All live-streamed services can be found at our website:, or on Facebook at: Holy Cross United Methodist Church.
- NEW! Mercy Pedalers is collecting items for the unsheltered. New or used (in good condition) GLOVES, HATS, SOCKS, COATS, SWEATERS, & BLANKETS. Please see collection area in Social Hall.
- The Share Time is the 1st Sunday, Communion Sunday. We will be celebrating everyone's birthday for that month on the 1st Sunday of the month after worship. See you on October 6th!
- Our October Communion offering. WHAT IS WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY? World Communion Sunday is a denomination-wide celebration emphasizing the value of education and training. We commemorate this day by giving generously to support young adults and make a global impact for Christ. Half of the offering benefits World Communion scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students from the U.S. and other countries. The remainder provides grants to support training for worldwide inclusion, diversity, equity, and access.
- We will have Blessing of the Animals at 1 pm. See flyer
- North Stockton Mercy Pedalers--We continue to go out on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays to serve the unsheltered community. For more information, please contact Sham Sealey at 209-479-4981 or Rita Steele at 858-414-3020. You can also donate to our ministry on the church website or by putting something in the offering plate (in an envelope) marked for Mercy Pedalers. Thank you, Holy Cross for your continued support. Rita Steele, chairperson.
- Stewardship letters and tithing cards should have arrived to you in the mail. Help us continue on this journey together!
- Coming up… Family Promise hosting week, 10/13-10/20…look for signups soon!
- Tongan Misenale, Saturday, October 26th
- All Church Charge Conference, Sunday October 27th at 2 pm. Everyone welcome!
- Emergency Food Bank will be hosting a MOBILE FARMERS MARKET in the Church parking lot- 4th Friday of every month from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM—October 26th. Please bring your own bags! For more information, please contact the Church office at 209-472-2177. Please pick up a flyer and help spread the good news to our community!
- On Sunday, November 3rd we will celebrate All Saint’s Day at Holy Cross UMC. I will be creating an Ofrenda for our altar. This is a custom which we borrow from the Mexican culture. It is a way of remembering and honoring those who have died. The Ofrenda will include 8”x10” pictures of members who have died in the last year and 5”x7” pictures of those who have died in previous years. If you would like to have a loved one remembered on our Ofrenda from previous years, we need you to provide a picture. Please include your name and your loved ones name(s) with the picture. The size should be about 5 x 7”. It would be most helpful if you could get the pictures to me or to the church office by Friday , October 25th. You can bring pics on Sunday or drop them off at the office, or you can email them to or text them to 290-327-7072.